Application of Pressure Care And Positioning Cushions
Positioning and Pressure Care Cushions by Body Part.
NICE guidelines state that using pressure redistribution aids as soon as possible can prevent pressure ulcers from developing and help to treat them if they do arise, ensuring patient safety and improving the experience of people at high risk of pressure ulcers.
Our products assist healthcare providers, and private customers, in long-term care challenges with regard to positioning and pressure care of individuals with varying degrees of dependency.
Bedsores or pressure sores occur in places where pressure has been applied for a long period of time and the blood flow is restricted. That is why it is necessary to relieve the pressure on those bony parts of the body with the help of special pillows and seats. Specialized pressure care cushions are intended primarily for people in wheelchairs and those who sit or lie for long periods of time.
Medoris cushions are designed to achieve correct bodily position, aid variety of postures, and maintain good alignment. This greatly contributes to the individual’s comfort and assists in the prevention of pressure ulcers and contractures. Let’s look at the different parts of the body and positions, and see which pressure care aid is best for you.
Head, Neck, Chest and Lumber Support
Our Horseshoe Neck Support is perfect for the head, shoulder and neck support in the supine or lateral position, or for supporting the head when the individual is being repositioned. Hyperextension of the neck is prevented and alignment is maintained.
The Semi-Fowler Position is recommended with the slight flexion of the knees when the foot of the bed is elevated slightly. This provides more comfort by reducing strain on the abdominal muscle and lower back and prevents excessive head stretching.
Sim’s Position - The tilt of the chest and position of the head allows for secretions to drain out of the mouth with a much lower risk of aspiration.
Our Suggestions:
• Pillow with head protection gusset .
• Dog bone support cushion
• Supper dog bone support cushion . SHOP NOW > M198
• Horseshoe neck support and pressure relief support. SHOP NOW > M223
Upper Limbs – Arms, Elbows and Hands
When arms are extended, not supported or in a wrong alignment it can lead to a strain of the joint, especially the shoulder, elbow and wrist. Shoulder and arm muscle strains can lead to dislocation of shoulders, oedema of hands/arms and flexion contracture of the wrist. We offer a variety of positioning options to help prevent the formation of contractures, support paralysis and improve circulation.
• Log support cushion. SHOP NOW > M192
• Leg and arm ramp cushion. SHOP NOW > M062
• Support cushion SHOP NOW > M101
Positioning and Pressure care pillow
• 2 Panel Chest/Limb protector cushion SHOP NOW > M182
• 1 Panel chest/limb protector cushion SHOP NOW > M181
• Finger separator-palm protector SHOP NOW > M083 and M112
• Hand grip/palm protector SHOP NOW > M113
Lower limbs – Hips, Legs, Knees and Ankles
The support of lower limbs is an essential part of a correct body alignment and prevention of pressure sores. Muscle strains in knees, hyper-extended feet and pressure sores in condyles and malleolus areas are very common in long-term care. Professionals suggest using cushions to achieve lower limb abduction and knee separation for correct alignment and to avoid pressure on condyles.
Knees must be flexed slightly to decrease knee and hip extension and relax the lower back. Positioning a cushion under the knees also reduces lumber lordosis and relieves facet joint pains. Using a positioning cushion laterally (in side lying position) to achieve a 30-degree tilt is recommended to relieve pressure in trochanteral and sacrum areas.
• T – Roll support Pillow. SHOP NOW > M230
• Knee and Ankle Separator Cushion SHOP NOW > M108
• Leg and Arm Ramp Cushion. SHOP NOW > M062
• Multi-Chamber Roll Pillow SHOP NOW >M096
• Midi Roll Pillow SHOP NOW > M098
Sacrum, Ischium, Leg and Heel
Sacral and ischial regions are most at risk of pressure ulcers in individuals that are bed or chair bound and with limited ability to move. Wrong alignment in a supine or sitting position especially when slumped down is the biggest contributor to the development of pressure sores.
Professionals recommend:
Semi-Fowler Position to minimize slumping forward and shearing when sliding downward as well as relieving pressure in knees and heels.
Lateral Position With 15 or 30-degree Tilt resulting in sacrum and ischium being completely off surface pressure. Using a positioning cushion laterally to achieve a 30-degree tilt is recommended to relieve pressure in trochanteral and sacrum areas.
Sim’s Position - sacrum and ischium being completely off surface pressure. Sim’s position reduces the pressure on the hips and the sacrum, which are often responsible for decubitus ulcers.
We offer cushions to aid all these positions:
• Multi – Chamber roll pillow . SHOP NOW > M096
• Log Roll pillow . SHOP NOW > M056
• T-Roll support Pillow . SHOP NOW > M230
• Midi Roll Pillow M096 . SHOP NOW > M096
• Arm support and lap pillow. SHOP NOW > M134
Elbows, Heels and Feet
Pressure sores in elbow regions are rare but not uncommon especially when sitting in an armchair/wheelchair for prolonged periods of time. Pressure ulcers in heels, however, are frequent, especially in bed-bound individuals. Professional advice is to use positioning cushions for condyles and elevation cushions for heels, placed under the Achilles, to prevent pressure sores.
Our positioning cushions can also help with the prevention of equines foot and foot drop, especially in bed-bound individuals where bedding applies pressure to their feet.
Midi Roll Pillow . SHOP NOW > M098
16 – Chamber Support and Pressure Relief Cushion . SHOP NOW > M057
Leg and Arm Ramp Cushion. SHOP NOW > M062
6 – Chamber Heel Support Cushion. SHOP NOW > M061
Arm support and lap pillow . SHOP NOW > M134
Universal Cushions
Horseshoe neck support and pressure relieve support. SHOP NOW > M223
6 chamber support cushion. SHOP NOW > M101
1- Panel chest/limb protector Cushion. SHOP NOW > M181
2- Panel chest/Limb Protector Cushion . SHOP NOW > M182
Mini Log support cushion. SHOP NOW > M193
Dog bone support cushion . SHOP NOW > M195
Supper dog bone support cushion . SHOP NOW > M198
Suitable for all care situations, to be used alone or with other positioning cushions.